In the Arcos de Valdevez training centre of CENFIM various levels of metalworking and welding education are provided.
In order to protect the employees and to offer them a pleasant working environment, ADF realized the necessity to keep the workshop free from welding fumes.
The Stork production facility in Sneek has 17 machine tools that employ metalworking fluids. Part of these fluids are released as mist or fumes during the machining process, which need to be removed.
Bulten uses metalworking fluids to cool down the products themselves, and to ensure that the machinery and tools do not get rusty.
Voortman Staalbouw is a modern company located in Rijssen with extensive experience in building steel structures. Voortman has grown over the years to become one of the Netherlands largest steel contractors.
Welding and grinding for dry application as well as oil mist captured via hoods for tempering furnaces as well as local extraction for processing machinery.
CSM prioritises the working environment of its employees and had been operating a number of mobile source extractors. But this was insufficient, and the welders were suffering as a result.
Ventilation was not considered in the development stage of the facility and was, therefore, very poor with only natural air flow through open doors and windows and some ‘whirlybirds’ in the roof of the building.
ACV wanted a welding fume extraction system for this new workshop. Consequently, they decided to bring in a specialist who would be able to provide a solution to fulfil their requirements.
The production activities at Baltimore Aircoil require a lot of metalworking and welding. The company concluded for itself that the extraction of welding fumes and hazardous gases in the production halls could be improved.
Contact our specialists now and get answers on all your questions regarding clean air.