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Case studies


Welders appreciate and value effectiveness of Push-Pull system

Welding & cutting fume removalMachine-building

Welding fumes are extremely fine and volatile and contain suspended metal particulates. We wanted to protect our operators from those particles.

Mimault Tôlerie

Extraction arms contribute to the ISO 14001 & 26000 policy

Welding & cutting fume removalMachine-building

Welding fumes accumulated into the workshop and generated a ‘blue layer’ inside the building. In order to remove this vast amount of welding fumes Mimault needed a professional extraction and filtration system.


FlexHood fulfills Edmolift’s demands

Welding & cutting fume removalHeavy industry

Edmolift UK Ltd challenged Plymovent to supply an extraction system that prevents welding fumes and welding dust covering stock in the warehouse.

Pedeo Hogedrukgieterij

The right extraction for a high-pressure aluminium die-casting machine

Oil mist removalMachine-building

Pedeo’s newest high-pressure aluminium die-casting cell must be fitted with an extraction system to safely remove the fumes and vapours that are released.

Micron Bio-Systems

Extraction arms remove dust effectively

Welding & cutting fume removalArchitects and engineers

Micron was looking for an effective dust control device with filters to ensure easy maintenance. Plymovent was challenged to get the dust levels under control.

The Welding Academy

Plymovent sponsors The Welding Academy

Welding & cutting fume removalEducational institutions

The Welding Academy at Peterlee (United Kingdom) has a 10,000 sq. ft. workshop. In this workshop twenty students can use the MIG, TIG and MMA welding equipment.

AJ Engineering

AJ Engineering

Welding & cutting fume removalHeavy industry

In 2017, AJ Engineering secured its biggest contract to date with a multi-million-pound windfarm deal, this was to fabricate and install the structural steel and cladding.

North Tonawanda Fire Department

NY fire dept. adds vehicle exhaust removal system for firefighter & EMT health

Vehicle exhaust extraction for fire stationsFire and emergency service stations

The previous system had design flaws, and would not release, causing the product to be damaged and unusable. It was causing more damage than good to both the firefighters and the station.

The Marshfield Fire & Rescue Department

Magnetic grabber ensures effective exhaust removal

Vehicle exhaust extraction for fire stationsFire and emergency service stations

The Magnetic Grabber® was installed to an existing SBT Pneumatic system in order to avoid unnecessary additional costs.


Push-Pull system: the ideal solution for large parts

Welding & cutting fume removalHeavy industry

Delmet was already acquainted with welding fume extraction, but its use of mobile units equipped with an extraction arm was far from ideal.

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